Quality and cost are closely related in the automotive industry. We are here to help you reduce these costs significantly.
And here is how:
Suppliers to German OEMs or customers of German suppliers often need to make swift decisions involving high expenses on travel or delivery of goods. We are based in Germany and have over 20 years of experience in Quality and project management in the Automotive industry both in Germany and in the UK.

On your behalf we can
· attend NPI meetings at German OEMs
· Manage problems at your customer or supplier
· Arrange and supervise sorting or rework activities
· Regularly inspect 0Km or warranty rejects
To name but a few.
We can do it for you!
Try us and see how much money and man-hours we can save you.
Christian Jerzembek MBA, Managing Director
We provide expertise and presence at the OEM on your behalf, i.e. for New Product Introduction or facelift. We represent you at the customers site and attend project meetings, and trial assemblies. We ensure swift responses to any observations made during these trials.
We work on your behalf, ensuring quality targets are met by your German suppliers, or, where necessary, we support the implementation of required actions to achieve improvements in supplier performance.
Organising sorting and rework activities at the customer facility:
We work on your behalf to ensure swift responses to concerns raised by your customers. Following an initial visit at the customer to establish the extend of the issue, we will facilitate the necessary actions at the OEM facility to get the problem addressed. We work with a range of well established sort- and rework companies.
After receiving an initial training from you we analyse parts at the OEM on your behalf to an agreed monthly or weekly plan, this will include the return of any accepted rejects to your facility for their further analysis.
We Support you at your facility to improve KPI’s and efficiency. Our extensive background in Automotive Industry Quality Management and approaches such as Value Stream Mapping enable us to target problem areas in manufacturing and ensure improvements are implemented.
Why send someone from your workforce if we can deliver things for you? On your behalf we can deliver urgent parts such as prototype or sample parts, as well as urgent maintenance parts. It frequently happens that such parts get misplaced or lost after arrival in the OEM’s warehouse, necessitating the re-making and re-sending of these parts, resulting in often significant cost and timing impacts, usually for the suppliers. This is avoided by our service as it cuts out the OEM’s warehouse. We deliver directly to your contact at the OEM. Simply send the parts per courier service to our offices, and we will deliver them for you at a fraction of the cost of air travel, rental car and hotel you would pay for your own staff. You receive confirmation that the recipient received their parts. Combined with our technical expertise you know your parts are safe!
Nothing can be more frustrating than getting designs or parts wrong because a technical specification has been translated wrongly or incomplete. This can result in significant extra cost for you. Extramile Translation offers expert technical translation for the automotive industry at a standard which is difficult to beat, at very reasonable prices. We also offer to attend OEM meetings with you to prevent language barriers affecting your business in a negative way.
At times it can be necessary to provide a permanent presence at your customer or supplier. Extramile can provide experienced resident engineers to look after your business interests on short- or long term contracts.
We can support you with PPAP submissions, i.e. review PPAP’s from suppliers, as well as creating and uploading PPAP documentation on customer portals. We can also review product- and process improvements on your behalf until full series release is achieved.